(a videogame)

jump around

like in the other platformers.

press the "jump" button to jump

(if you can "jump", that's a videogame)

a frog with cane hiding in the grass

a giant imponderable* world

it's very big

(rumours say it's infinite)

* a challenge, for you to try pondering

girl with large hair viewing fuschia religious sculpture

with affecting characters

they are silly and friendly.

they affect you, but more importantly

you affect them.

a frog with cane hiding in the grass

at first alone

a funny way of saying that the game can be multiplayer

a frog with cane hiding in the grass

a teaser

learn more with this instructional video!

a thumbnail from the pondlife trailer showing the open cd tray of a computer tower
close up of a cool looking frog with a cane a text says very long bridge; there's a bridge that goes as far as the horizon many different characters are in the same spot trying to climb a mountain